Sunday, August 28, 2011

Not everything can be solved with "42"

Have you ever just wished someone would give you all the answers? I don't mean like "the answer to life is 42", but more as if there was never a problem you couldn't figure out. You always just knew what to do and how to do it. I suppose that could make life extremely boring, since you would never have to learn anything or be challenged. It would all just come easy. Where's the adventure in that?
It is a nice thought not worry because you always know the answer or the solution, but it also has the potential to be a curse too. Knowing exactly how to solve a problem without having the tools to do so could drive you insane; especially if it was a dire situation.
Gives you something to think about, doesn't it? It's like if you were offered one wish, anything in the world and you wished you had all the answers. Then after walking around thinking you were the best thing since sliced bread, you come across a problem that you know how to solve but can't....physically can't. That could cause some serious mental instability. Definitely if it were a life or death situation that resulted in death, because there was nothing you could do. The guilt would overtake you. I guess that's why no one knows all the answers. It's too much responsibility. Not to mention, the lack of surprise and adventure.
Looking at it, I can picture the story that could ensue from it. Gives a good moral too: being happy with who you are and embracing the unknown, because it makes life interesting. It's a perspective that could use revisiting every once and a while to help keep you in check and open; open to possibilities and combating negativity. It's like a little epiphany that sets you straight again, when your in danger of falling.
I doubt they have a bumper sticker like this though. It would be very hard to read with how little the letters would be to fit it all. You could just put a label to it, that would remind you of the point, purpose of the story. A phrase or word to sum it all up or define what's being remembered. Something like "Carpe Diem" or just "42".
I think everyone should have something like that....a cue or expression that tells them to relax and take a deep breath because everything will be okay. It's "hakuna matata" with a little more meaning behind it.

-(I've definitely started to ramble. I did not see this turning into some philosophical word vomit, but I suppose that's what to call it.)

If you're reading this, then I challenge you to create your own reminder that will help you when you need it most. Something that has meaning to only you, but will give you perspective and keep you positive. I have mine. What's yours?