Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Growing up

Its amazing the things you think about when you're little. How you would look. What you would have and what you would do. It never really dawns on you all the responsibilities and everything you have to pay for until you're thrown into the "adult" life.
I knew I would have to pay for more and be able to plan my expenses, but I didn't realize how fast everything will add up. Just yesterday I had to pay for my CSET and car registration, it came to $400. I nearly passed out. To me that 's a lot of money. I can see my bank account getting smaller and smaller. No wonder everyone is so stressed out when they get older. It feels like you can never make enough money to stay on top of all the things you have to pay for. Its not like I've even gone off on a spending spree on things I don't need. At this rate I feel like I should get 5 jobs to pay for everything. How do you stay on top of all this? I think about all the things that I will have to pay for in the near future and get a little sick.
Today I am going to the doctor to get some papers filled out for my teaching. This task, so small but means so much. This is the last doctors visit I have before I am no longer insured. This inevitable end was going to come one way or another, but I thought I would feel a little more prepared. Now to go shopping for an insurance that I will have to put out more money on. Its like a never ending cycle.
Well time for the Dr. (I may not be writing about anything of any interest to anyone, but it is nice to be able to put some of this down)

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