Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Ok so I was talking with my mom today and she was telling me about someone who was upset about being de-friended by someone on Facebook. I started cracking up...when did it become the latest "BURN" when someone de-friend's you on Facebook? 
It's official I'm no longer talking to you, I'm not your friend on Facebook. 
Soon its going to be: I'm cutting you out of my life. I'm no longer following you on Twitter, you are not my friend on Facebook and I have blocked you from seeing when I'm available on AIM!
I understand the whole thing that these social networks have become a huge deal, but you cannot honestly get hurt or try to hurt someone by de-friending them or blocking them from seeing their profile. That is not the worst thing in the world. Of course if you write something on someone's wall that is mean and hurtful I can understand, but guess what....you can delete any post and its like it never happened.
This whole Facebook "burn" is really immature. If someone does it to you then they need to grow up, so its probably best that it happened cause you don't need that kind of immaturity in your life. If you do it to someone else...then you know what I think of you and have nothing left to say. 

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