I said this was coming so here it is.
I came late to the Twilight fan base. Even after the first movie came out, my family went to see it cause we had heard so much about it. I wasn't sure about all the hype about it, it seemed like nothing special to me. My sister and I felt like we were missing parts of the story; like there was more to it. My sister is the one who read the books first. She was just going to read Twilight but as soon as she finished she went right out and got the next one. She did it for each book. She badgered me to read the series and I fought her off for the longest time. Then with the talk about the second movie coming out I decided to give into the craze and read the books.
I had thought that I would just read the first one and wait for New Moon to come out to theaters to be surprised when I saw it but when I finished Twilight in a day I was hungry for more. I was going to borrow my sisters copy like I did for the first book but she had lent it to someone else, so of course I went right out and got my own copy. I also finished that in a day, mostly because I was staying up all night reading it. It's a good thing I read them in the summer, otherwise I don't know how I would have be able to function. All and all it took me about 5 days to get through the entire series. My sister made fun of me because she said I was more addicted than she was and it was only fair that she gave me as much crap as I did her. I took it in stride.
I went through the rest of the summer without reading anything; however, I did go up on the Internet more to see what was happening in the Twi-universe. At the end of the summer my family was going to Hawaii for vacation. I was determined to read some other book and packed 2 different books. When I got to the Airport I tried to start reading, but couldn't get past the first page. My mind was still too engulfed in Twilight that I couldn't bring myself to read anything else. So I went into the bookstore and bought a copy of Twilight and started reading it. Of course I finished it before the trip was over and had to wait to get home before I could finish the series again.
That started my new tradition. Since I have read the Twilight saga every summer. I actually just finished reading the series because my sister had started reading it and it was as if I got a craving after seeing her read the books. I needed to satisfy my craving so I wound up reading the series over the weekend, which started another Twilight frenzy, because I couldn't stop at just reading the books.
I started looking online again for anything and came upon a fan fiction site. I saw a story that I had seen the title of before but never thought about looking at it. I finally decided to look at it and got addicted to it. It's called "Siren Blood" written by Midnightwalking on Twilight Fan Fiction. There were 56 'chapters' and I read them all in 3 days. It's a story about if Edward and Bella really existed and what they would think of the whole Twilight craze. It also is Edward's account of Bella's story, as it "really" happened. There is more chapters to come but haven't been put up yet. It's driving me crazy having to wait and not being able to speed up the process at all.
As for the movies, the first one was a little different. I think it could have been done better. New Moon was a lot better, but since it was my least favorite book it was hard to like it very much. Eclipse has been my favorite so far. I saw it in the movies 4 times and now have to wait till December to get it on DVD. I also can't wait for the final movies to come out. It's going to be EPIC!
You've heard the saying "All's fair in love and war", but there is more to it. What is love referring to? What does war refer to? It could be love of a person, thing, object or idea. War is a just a fight or battle about a person, thing, object or idea. So it goes to say that All's fair in anything you love and that you're willing to fight for. (This blog doesn't necessarily talk about love and war but it sounded like a good title)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Ok so I was talking with my mom today and she was telling me about someone who was upset about being de-friended by someone on Facebook. I started cracking up...when did it become the latest "BURN" when someone de-friend's you on Facebook?
It's official I'm no longer talking to you, I'm not your friend on Facebook.
Soon its going to be: I'm cutting you out of my life. I'm no longer following you on Twitter, you are not my friend on Facebook and I have blocked you from seeing when I'm available on AIM!
I understand the whole thing that these social networks have become a huge deal, but you cannot honestly get hurt or try to hurt someone by de-friending them or blocking them from seeing their profile. That is not the worst thing in the world. Of course if you write something on someone's wall that is mean and hurtful I can understand, but guess what....you can delete any post and its like it never happened.
This whole Facebook "burn" is really immature. If someone does it to you then they need to grow up, so its probably best that it happened cause you don't need that kind of immaturity in your life. If you do it to someone else...then you know what I think of you and have nothing left to say.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Had too much fun today. Went to JoAnn's fabrics today and found this fake mustache in their Halloween section. My brother has this big curly mustache that drives all of us crazy and he likes to use wax to curl it up, but sometimes it gets into his mouth. Anyway to make a story short, we all make fun of him and his mustache so we decided to put on this fake-stache and took pictures.
Frankly I think my mom won. She totally made the Josh face!

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